Thursday, April 02, 2009

Blustery Bluebonnets

Aren't they lovely? This is the field overflowing with gorgeous bluebonnets where I take the kids' pictures every year.

And what a gorgeous day...or so I thought as we plunked ourselves down to pose for pictures. It was not until then that I noticed the GALE FORCE WINDS. Seriously. Tear-streaming, hold on to your little ones, knock me on my back wind. Poor Boys. I made them sit there for just a second to snap a few before we dashed back to the shelter of the car. They were not happy campers!


Chrys said...

The one of Owie walking away in the bluebonnets is great!


cheryl said...

Oh man! We had a slightly better experience, but chose a very windy day as well!
What an awesome patch of bluebonnets!