Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Parking It

The Boys and I had big plans to head to the Science museum...
until we set foot outside.

It was gorgeous! A picture perfect day! So after a quick call to a great friend, we set out to explore a new park.

This is how Nosy spent the first hour of our play date. He ran head on in to Chrys as soon as we arrived. Usually, he politely says, "'Cuse me," without being prompted. Not today, I am afraid. After being asked to excuse himself several times and refusing, Noah warmed the bench for over an hour while watching his friends have a wonderful time. Every few minutes, I would mosey over and ask if he was ready to say, "Excuse me." He would reply, in a little sing-songy, ornery voice, "Not yet!" and grin. After about an hour, Chrys wandered over to Noah's bench to sit down. Nosy looked her in her eyes, said, "'Cuse me!" with an angelic smile and asked if he may jump down to play. How can I help but fall more in love with this stinker of a child every day?

Sweet T

O and O played in the sand almost the entire time. I had a few cars in my purse that they constructed roads for, and they had the very important job of moving piles of sand from one side of the sandbox to the other. Such hard workers!

Dear Friends

Chrys and her Boys had to take off for naps, but my crew can not resist unexplored trails. We headed out for a good walk before succumbing to exhaustion ourselves.

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