Saturday, February 16, 2008

Walking Shoes

These shoes are made for walking...

or so we've told No-nos.

After he wore actual holes in his soft leather shoes from crawling, we decided it was time he got some big boy shoes, walking shoes.

The Little Man still prefers to get around like this:

He's lightening quick at crawling, that's for sure!

He will take up to five or six steps at a time, but he definitely prefers to crawl! After taking a step or two, he will fall down and say, "Eeeh? Eeeeeeeh?" He is waiting to be praised. We all comply with applause and, "Yay, Nosy-Posy!!" at which time he happily crawls off, very proud of himself.

Doesn't he look so grown up? Hardly a baby any more. (Both of my kids have an aversion to making eye contact with the camera!)

Sweet Baby. You will be a toddler any day now!

1 comment:

Jenna M said...

Sounds like Elias...he has "real" shoes that now are all scuffed on the toes due to crawling. We are hoping that one day he will figure out that walking could be so much faster.