Sunday, June 08, 2008

Letters, Letters Everywhere!

Our whole world seems to revolve around the alphabet lately.
"How do you spell...?" is the most FAQ.

O is sounding out three, four, sometimes five letter words with pretty good accuracy. (It amazes me how fast these little guys learn!)

He makes up songs to sing about letters.

He is constantly attempting to write as many letters as he can on his "pads." Even when he is just doodling, he tries to find letters hidden among the squiggles and lines he draws. And oh, the excitement when he comes across one!

Just this morning, he came and got me twice while I was getting ready to show me letters he had "built" out of random objects.

What a pleasure you are to teach, Owie. I hope you always love to learn as much as you do right now!


Chrys and Mike said...

we are right there with you. it's so fun! we need to get our little O's together soon.


Colleen said...
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Colleen said...

Very impressive, Owie! You also have an awesome Mommy teacher. I miss you too, Rachel. I will call you soon.