Saturday, March 06, 2010


Both of my parents turn 60 this year. My sister and I brainstormed and debated about how to appropriately and thoroughly celebrate their lives. We finally settled on a surprise party half way between their birthdays. They were completely shocked, to say the least!

Mom and her BFF

Dad chatting with a few of his close guy friends.

Caroline and Kyle

Passing around hysterical birthday cards

Everyone had such a great time relaxing at our house for the afternoon. I am so pleased we actually pulled it off and that Mom and Dad felt honored by our efforts. Here's to a great decade, Mom and Dad!


Erica said...

LOVE the curtains. Can't wait to see the panels with it.

Deann Black said...

I was just going to say the same thing as Erica...great minds think alike:) I can't believe you pulled off the party. Happy Birthday to you both!