Wednesday, March 03, 2010


Owen talks about math non-stop. "What's 24 plus 7, Mommy? 44 + 9?" On and on and on. It really keeps me on my toes! Especially since he has been getting into some double digit addition. He is fascinated with even and odd numbers, counting by 2's, 5's, 10's, even some very simplistic multiplication. I am not sure if this is normal or not.

Yesterday he asked me what 4 minus 6 was. Here we go...negative numbers. I knew there was no way he could even begin to comprehend the concept, so I offered him the most basic explanation possible of numbers less than zero.

Today he announced, "100 minus 101 equals negative 1, right Mommy? It's one less than zero, right?" Oh, my. My little smartie!


cheryl said...

Ummm...yeah! He's smart! ;o)

Lainey-Paney said...