Monday, March 15, 2010

His Ways

"'For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,' declares the LORD. 'As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.'"
Isaiah 55:8-9

I admit I am a control freak. I like to have the next 10 years of my life planned out very specifically so I know what to expect. Of course, I should have learned with the passage of time that very rarely does my life turn out the way I planned. And God has proven over and over that His ways are much better than my best-laid plans. You would think I would have learned this lesson well by now, especially as the Lord has proven Himself to be so faithful and good in my life. And yet here I am struggling with the same old thing again. As Jeremy and I pray through some decisions we are making for the future, decisions that may result in something far different and scarier to me than the plans I had in mind, may I remember these verses and the fact that God's ways are always the best ways. I can trust His heart!


ericahalpin said...

Praying for you, friend! His way is always the best way. Struggling with the same thing right along with you. So hard to wait for the plan to hard to wait to see the BIG plan, the BIG picture. What a perfect time to be studying the life of Joseph!!

Deann Black said...

Praying for you!