Monday, March 01, 2010

Going to the Lodge...

...Great Wolf Lodge...
and I have a million pictures to tell the story!

My parents so generously offered to take us on an overnight excursion to the Great Wolf Lodge. We could hardly wait! Nosy started getting geared up weeks in advance, asking every single day, "Is it today we get to go to the water pawk?" Finally the day arrived.

We needed lots of energy to ride all those awesome slides, so we started off by filling our tummies at the Cracker Barrel. You can't beat their home cookin'!

Playing some checkers with Grampsy

Then it was back to the Lodge to change and dive in to the water park.

I was worried Noah would be timid of the water since it has been months since we've been swimming. Imagine my surprise when I turned my back to arrange our towels on a table and turned back around to find him knee deep in the water already. We could hardly get him out of the water from then on! The slides were a bit of a different story though. He only went down twice our entire stay. No worries. There was plenty of splashing and football throwing to keep us occupied for hours!

This Boy had absolutely no fear and rode every slide he was tall enough to ride over and over and over again. My favorite part of the whole trip was watching him have so much fun on those slides! He never tired of them. "That was awesome!!" he would say, grinning from ear to ear, after each one.

Jeremy splashing Nosy on a jet ski.

Gramps and Noah hard at work.

Daddy and O after a thrilling ride.

We liked this slide a lot because three of us could go together. O decided it was his very favorite.

Grampsy and Nosy tried out the wave pool while Jeremy and I took O down the big slides. Noah was not too excited about it.

Heading to story time in our pj's.

Story time was fun with lots of animated animals and kids telling a story. The Boys enjoyed it, but they were really looking forward to their ice cream snack that was coming afterwards.

At the ice cream parlor. So many choices...

Yummy vanilla for Nosy.

We hit the ice cream parlor again the next day for a morning snack. I figure we burned it all off anyway, right?

All too soon, our time came to an end. We enjoyed every minute of it! The Boys loved their private bunk beds and personal TV in our room. Just exploring the lodge provided for some great fun, including the arcade and photo booth. We already can't wait to go back again someday. Noah has already started asking me, "How many days until we can go back to the water pawk?" He may have a long wait, but one day we'll go back!

Thanks, Mom and Dad, for such a terrific time and memories that will last forever!!


thesanders said...

Wow! What a fun adventure. I love Owen's Boston pronunciation of park. And we really need a belly shot!

Andrea said...

Sounds like great fun! We're off to SeaWorld today with Amy & her family. It is so nice to be with them again.

Deann Black said...

We will definately have to try that out some day. It looks like ya'll had an unbelievably fun time:)