Sunday, March 14, 2010


Oh the wardrobe difficulties I have been having with this Guy! The only outfits acceptable to Nosy these days are soccer clothes: a shirt with some sort of soccer ball on it and athletic shorts. When it is too cold for shorts, he wears them under his pants. And when it's pajama time, he wears soccer shorts over his pj bottoms. He is truly obsessed! In this picture, he is sporting his new favorite soccer outfit. "This is my koccer kirt and koccer korts from Carter's!" he tells everyone he meets. Love this crazy Boy! I just hope hope his fashion choices expand a bit over the next few weeks!


Deann Black said...

That boy is so stinkin' funny, but hey I would do just about anything to keep my kids soccer it is:)

Abbey said...

Eric would be so proud!