Thursday, May 15, 2008

Sweet and Stormy Conversation

O was up for a bit during the storm last night. During our praying/comforting/reassuring/back patting time together (that I would not trade even for the extra hour of sleep I missed), we conversed.

Me: "Thank you, Jesus, for this wonderful rain! It is giving the grass a great drink."
O: "Gramps a drink?"
Me: "No, Sweetie, the grass a drink."
O: "Is Gramps thirsty?"

I opened his blinds so we could watch the storm together. A little ways down the street we have a street light.
O: "Even in the rain, I can see the sunshine!"
(Wow, does that have a deeper spiritual meaning that he has no idea about yet!)

Owie has also come up with several new words for things. For example, every stop sign is now called a "souse." Each time we pass a stop sign, we hear, "A souse!" proclaimed from the backseat of the car.

"Tippy feet": walking on just your heals

One last funny thing:
Today we were playing outside and Owie said, "I'm that guy that comes over to play with you, Mommy!"
And I'm so glad you do, O.

Funny, sweet, sweet Boy!

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