Monday, May 05, 2008

Let's Do Church

O occupied himself with a very interesting pastime after nap. He played church. He gathered up all of his "friends," seated them on "church chairs" (plastic placemats), and conducted an entire church service from opening prayer to dismisal song.
Above, he is explaining the order of events to all of his friends and his noncompliant Brother.

Not only was O the pastor of his church, he also led the worship...very enthusiastically! On the song list: "Blessed Be the Name of the Lord," "This Is the Day'" and "All Creatures of My God and King." There was also a lot of dancing. Shhhh. Don't tell the Baptists!

I was puttering around in the kitchen and casually snapping pictures (I didn't want to intrude and ruin the moment), when I saw O grab Jeremy's very loved (aka falling apart) Bible and start "reading" verses. He quoted several that we have memorized over the weeks. The sermon seemed to focus on Genesis 6:22 "Noah did everything just as God commanded him." It was a lesson on obedience! It does seem that quite a bit of what Owie and I have been learning together over the past few weeks has actually been soaking in!

(I love how O's friends are leaning inward, as if they are hanging on every word O says.)

Noah wanted to hear the great message too!

After O's service dismissed, he asked me to teach church next. We had such a sweet time together. I shared with him the similarities between our caterpillars metamorphosing into butterflies and the change that happens to us sinners when we have a relationship with Christ: total transformation into new creatures, the old is gone and we are made new in Christ. I stepped Owie through how to accept Christ as Saviour and Lord over his life. Afterwards we prayed such a precious prayer together. I know Owie can not fully grasp this concept as a three year old, but we had such sweet conversation, the first of many Jeremy and I hope to have with our son, leading him to the foot of the cross and the arms of Jesus.


cheryl said...

Does it get any more precious than that?
Sweet O, what a wonderful heart you already have toward the Lord and His Word. I'm sure you have some great things ahead in your life!

Erica said...

Love it!! What a sweet, sweet boy.

Chrys and Mike said...

precious, precious, precious. i loved seeing these pics and hearing all about it.

you are guiding him well, my friend.

LOVED hanging out today.


Libby said...

What a beautiful heart for God. So glad you captured these precious moments...