What a week it's been at The House of Halpin. These Boys...What am I going to do with them?
Is it normal for a three year old to be acting all pubescent? His moods are swinging, tears are flowing, not so nice words are being directed at Mommy, demands are being rudely made, fits are resulting, bedtimes are being ignored in lieu of staying awake until all hours of the night, manners have been tossed out the window. Whew! I'm exhausted, stressed out, and completely baffled. My lovely Boy has once again gone and changed on me. Maybe he's sick? Surely there is some explanation for this drastic behavioral change. Something that can be treated with antibiotics? Because spankings are not doing the trick.
And his Brother? My nice, cuddly Baby is all of a sudden a risk-taking, no-fear, head-banging crazy man! Just a few of the places I have found him this week: teetering on the edge of our deep master bath tub, soaking wet (while I was drying Owen off, he climbed up on the edge); standing up-right on top of O's tricycle, hands waving to keep his balance (he fell right off on to his head); and rolling around underneath my car as I did some work in the garage. CRAZY! No longer is this Boy allowed to run around the house unsupervised. I am at his side every minute. I just pray no one calls CPS on us from the number of knots on his head and bruises on his body. He is a mess!
O summed it up well with his mealtime prayer tonight:
"Dear Jesus, we are having a hard time. Thank you for our supper and this fine day. Please give us wisdom in raising him every day. We are crabby about everything. Thank you. Amen."
On the other hand (Thank God there is "another hand"!), what fun my kids are! O and I have been having so much fun reading our learning library books this week. We checked out a new early math/counting book that involves making arts and crafts. We have had a blast cutting and arranging pieces, adding to and taking away from. He amazes me with his capacity to learn. We have been doing quite a bit of "playing school" lately, and we are both loving it! And Noah...His communication skills have taken off! No real words per se, but he gets his point across with such adorable little grunts and squeals. Every tasty bite he eats results in a hearty, "Mmmmmm!" And the Boys have been actually playing together, not just near each other, but actually with each other. Oh how sweet it is to hear their little voices coming from the next room as they play little boy games together.
What wonderful, crazy, mood-swingy Guys! I am so blessed to spend my days with them. And now I am off to an early bedtime so I will be ready for whatever comes at me tomorrow!
I can empathize. Similar situation here. Yesterday Luke actually said "I am having a bad day. I am tired." When I was talking with him after disciplining him! I don't think he was tired (it was 8 a.m.), but he had the bad day part right!!!! It is funny that he is able to manufacture a reasonable excuse now. They are getting more clever in their naughtiness, for sure.
I feel like we've been in much the same place lately! Does it have anything to do with their ages??? It's amazing how any combo of tired, not feeling well, etc, can just set them off. We've also been struggling w/ going to sleep at night. (in bed at 8, not asleep 'til 9:30)
Glad you at least have some help in the way of antibiotics.
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