Saturday, May 10, 2008

Prep, Step 2

Mother's Day Eve, Owie and I got out all of our baking utensils to whip up some delectable treats for Yaya and Gigi's big day. O is the best helper, my Numero Uno Taste Tester.

Making Erica's Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cheesecake Bars. Delish!
Taste number one, the first of many! I am surprised the Boy's hands are not raw from washing them so many times!

Such concentration!

Another sample

I guess he approves! I have never seen his eyes so enormous!

O's other area of expertise: egg cracking. He really is good at it!

By the time the sugar cookie dough was chilled enough to roll out, it was around 8:00, bed time. Owie had been waiting so patiently to help me though, so I allowed him to stay up. Unfortunately, patience was wearing thin all around. We would roll out the dough (very meticulously), and then O would cut out one flower shape smack dab in the center of the dough. The cookie cutters were large enough that we could only get one cookie per dough roll-out that way. It was taking forever! After a few successful cut-outs, O was forced into early retirement, much to his chagrin. Poor Guy.

Lavender Mother's Day Cookies

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