Friday, January 18, 2008


Gramps and Yaya gave Owie a set of Tinker Toys for Christmas. I had put them aside for a day when we needed to pull out something wonderful and new to play with. Today was just such a day: too cold to play outside, baby Bro down for a good nap, quality time for O and Mommy. Owen had never played with Tinker Toys before, so this was a whole new experience. He caught on surprisingly fast.
Surrounded! What fun!

Hard at work

O's imagination never ceases to amaze me. I guess I still think of him as a little guy, so when big guy things come out of his brain, I am amazed! He created many masterpieces while I tinkered next to him. I was curious to see what he would come up with, so I let him have at it without any input from me. Here is the sunshine he made.

A flower...

...which he proceeded to plant... the garden.

"An umbrella!" he squealed.

I was trying to figure out how to make a really cool truck when O picked up my wheel parts. "For exercising, Mommy?" he asked, while lifting them like dumbbells. So funny!

A really long caterpillar. I love the antennae! He had quite a bit of trouble with this guy. He kept trying to make it longer and longer, but every time he would pick it up to play with it, parts would fall off. O has such tremendous patience. He kept repairing it over and over again for about twenty minutes before moving on to something else.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great job and good imagination! l,b