Saturday, December 15, 2007

Noah Cole Is Turning One E-I-E-I-O

Come and join the barnyard fun!


We had a smashing first birthday party for Baby Noah.

He made friends with all the critters...

...munched on terrific farm fare for lunch (chicken nuggets, pigs in a blanket, corn on the cob)...

...and enjoyed yummy barnyard friends for dessert.

Yes, the dessert. I could not wait for No-nos to dive into his tiny cow cupcake. As much as this Boy loves his food, I just knew he would be crazy about cake!

He thoroughly enjoyed being the center of attention of all the big kids while they sang "Happy Birthday."

Scooter was rather disappointingly tentative at first, just poking at the icing.

I decided I needed to intervene. After one taste of cupcake...

...he finally he got the hang of it! That cake is good stuff!

Riding off into the sunset after a fun-filled day.

1 comment:

cheryl said...

Looks like y'all had a blast! Love the cake, too cute.