Friday, December 21, 2007

Drinking Buddy

No one in my home enjoys egg nog, except for me. I am a huge fan of egg nog! It tastes just like melted ice cream, all cold and thick and...noggy. I reserve these special little glasses just for egg nog consumption, because egg nog deserves a special glass. It excites me when the holidays roll around because I know that egg nog will soon be readily available. Unfortunately, because I am a lone egg nog drinker, several of my holiday pounds can be attributed to the delicious beverage. I have to drink up the entire carton, and those expiration dates aren't just for looks! The jug must be gone prior to the sell by date, and I am always up to the challenge!
This year, something has changed for the positive! I enlisted a drinking buddy. I enticed Owen into sampling some nog with me. His comment after just one teensy sip? A single word that says it all:
My sentiments exactly, O Man!

1 comment:

cheryl said...

That's adoreable! :o) Love the pic too.