Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Not So Much a Baby

Scooter is ELEVEN months old today. I am getting very sentimental about it. My baby is almost ONE! He surely does not seem very much a baby at all any more.

Sweet profile

He walks quite well with the help of his push toy. He feels so proud of himself and laughs all the while, thinking he is such a Big Boy.

The peepers are still mostly blue, but they will sometimes fade to gray or darken to an olive green color. Who knows how they will end up!
Still a man of extremes, Noah is either happy, giggling, grinning, delighted or screaming, upset, fit-throwing. Usually it is the former, thankfully! He is a flirty, social guy who loves to engage others in his little games (patty cake, high fives, lip smacking, echo). He laughs and laughs and his precious giggles are contagious. Things that seem to be fit-inducing: getting strapped into any type of baby equipment, such as the stroller or car seat (This usually leads to high-pitched wails of protest, total body stiffness and much flailing of extremities.), diaper and/or clothes changing, being held aloft when there is food or an interesting object below. We do have several fitty episodes every day, but they are short-lived and, thankfully, Noah is not prone to grudge-holding. He recovers quickly and is once again his giggly self.

These Brothers love each other so much!

Where I found No-nos perched this morning. Just look at that face. Is he proud, or what?!

Scooter continues to be such an affectionate little guy! He frequently pauses in play to fling his chubby baby arms around my neck in a big bear hug. Wide open-mouthed, slobbery kisses are passed around freely. We are all well-loved by our Noah! And he is definitely well-loved right back! I delight in you, Nosy-Posy!


cheryl said...

Where has the time gone? How can our babies be almost ONE???
Such a sweet post. Noah is one precious and handsome little guy.

Anonymous said...

That smile on the dishwasher is so much your mom and Caroline!!! The profile pic is precious. We might not make D in Nov. after all...
- B