Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Children's Museum...Again and Again
Sunday, November 25, 2007
It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas!
Owie and I made homemade pizza, a special meal for a special occasion. After I cleaned up all the flour that had been ceremonially sprinkled all over the kitchen floor, we brought forth the tree.
Check out O's reaction as we plugged it in! Priceless!
He loves the lights! To accompany our decorating, O sang Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star over and over in honor of the twinkle lights.
The tree box received some extra-special attention.
As always, Nosy is right in the middle of all the action! He was on tippy-toes straining to look inside the ornament box.
Each year, I find an ornament for the Boys that reflects in some way their current interests or personalities. For Owie's first Christmas I found a glass rubber ducky ornament, since the Boy was enamoured with rubber ducks. This year, O is old enough to actually hang his own ornament on the tree!
Just as quickly as O could get the ornaments hung, No-nos was right behind him, removing every one!
Noah found a big red ball ornament. You can almost see his wheels turning in this picture.
"Hmmm. I can think of a much better use for this ball than hanging on a tree!"
Making a sneaky get-away.
Good throw, Scooter! Thankfully, it was a non-breakable ornament!
After Noah got frustrated trying to undecorate our tree, he played some wonderful music on the "bongos" to accompany our festivities.
My beautiful children...and grandchildren. John and Jeremiah were very involved in our tree decorating!
Please note that all decorations are now placed out of Noah's reach. The bottom of our tree is completely bare!
Saturday, November 24, 2007
A Song for You
O is quite the vocalist. He fills our home with happy songs, those both well-known and known only to Owie. I love to hear him expressing his heart and mind through music. His sweet voice is truly the most beautiful music to my ears. Here's a sample of his work:
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Giving Thanks
For you two, I am truly grateful!
First stop, Gramps and Yaya's house for such a delicious lunch.
The Boys spent quite awhile building a super-cool train track all around the living room. Never one to be left behind, Noah is right in the middle of all the action!
The hit game of the day: catch the bouncing ping pong ball. Fun times!
Gramps and Nosy share an inside joke...
...and then give the secret head bump.
Stop number two: Julianne's house, which was full of crazy cousins and sinful desserts!
Clayton was a pirate most of the day. Pretty scary!
Promising artists, O, Mia, Maddie and Ally created masterpieces
The two tiniest cousins (who can hardly be called tiny any more!)
No-nos is also quite fond of Bailey, the family dog
Last, but not least: Off to the McCracken's for one more round of turkey
Noah gets some LouLou love
Such handsome men! O loves his Uncle Kyle!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Feel Good about Your Housekeeping!
Not So Much a Baby
He walks quite well with the help of his push toy. He feels so proud of himself and laughs all the while, thinking he is such a Big Boy.
The peepers are still mostly blue, but they will sometimes fade to gray or darken to an olive green color. Who knows how they will end up!
Still a man of extremes, Noah is either happy, giggling, grinning, delighted or screaming, upset, fit-throwing. Usually it is the former, thankfully! He is a flirty, social guy who loves to engage others in his little games (patty cake, high fives, lip smacking, echo). He laughs and laughs and his precious giggles are contagious. Things that seem to be fit-inducing: getting strapped into any type of baby equipment, such as the stroller or car seat (This usually leads to high-pitched wails of protest, total body stiffness and much flailing of extremities.), diaper and/or clothes changing, being held aloft when there is food or an interesting object below. We do have several fitty episodes every day, but they are short-lived and, thankfully, Noah is not prone to grudge-holding. He recovers quickly and is once again his giggly self.
These Brothers love each other so much!
Where I found No-nos perched this morning. Just look at that face. Is he proud, or what?!
Scooter continues to be such an affectionate little guy! He frequently pauses in play to fling his chubby baby arms around my neck in a big bear hug. Wide open-mouthed, slobbery kisses are passed around freely. We are all well-loved by our Noah! And he is definitely well-loved right back! I delight in you, Nosy-Posy!
Friday, November 16, 2007
Ba-cation: The Finale
I think Jeremy enjoyed the toys more than the kids!
Noah discovered the tunnel
Making beautiful music together
Owen's new favorite part: The suspended ping pong balls. How amazing! The ball just floats in mid-air! It is so much easier for O to catch the ball when it hangs suspended just for him! He played this game for almost half an hour, and we still had to tear him away! Fascinating!
What I saw in the backseat on the way to lunch. Such sweetness!
We ate lunch at a new place called Mooyah. Now that is one good burger! The fries were outstanding as well!
We topped the day off with an evening of bowling. When listing what activities we wanted to include during our vacation, bowling was a high priority for Owen. I was impressed that he remembered bowling, since we have not been since May.
That Boy is proud of his orange ball!
What a great send-off!
This is the victory dance. When accompanied by a "Whoo-hooo!" it celebrates true bowling greatness.
And so, our vacation is over. What priceless memories were made this week!