Thursday, October 25, 2007

Ten Month Pics...Finally!

No-nos, you are the craziest, most fun, hilarious, energetic, opinionated bouncing ball of endless energy I have ever encountered. You already have such a mind of your own and share your feelings loudly and with enthusiasm. You adore your Brother and stalk him around the house, to the point where Owie gets a little scared of your zealous attempts at showing affection. My little daredevil, you have no fear, climbing over large obstacles, scaling pieces of furniture, diving off of beds.
My prayer for you, Noah, is that you will always remain as passionate as you are right now, but that the Lord would be the object of your passion; that He would harness all your energy, delight, and enthusiasm to be used for His kingdom purposes; that He would mold your strong will to be a man after His own heart, strong and solid in your faith; that the He would graciously bestow on us His wisdom in how to parent you with love in such a way that we do not break your will or crush your energy but focus it on being a man on fire for God. What an amazing little guy you are, Nosy, and I would not change one thing about you. May I parent you and love you well. You are a joy!


cheryl said...

What a sweet sweet one you have there! He's looking like such a little boy!

Chrys and Mike said...

What a doll.
