Sunday, October 28, 2007

I Am a Fine Musician

You know it's going to be a long day when both kids are up from their afternoon naps by 12:30. We experienced one such day last week, but never fear! The weather was gorgeous and Mommy was full of distracting ideas to keep the crabbiness away. We three headed to the new and improved Children's Museum at The Museum of Nature and Science. Because we arrived during most kids' nap time, we had the whole place to ourselves! It was great! Owen's favorite part was the new music center. He banged out many a song on this life-sized xylophone while Noah and I danced and clapped along.

We also explored a fire truck that included authentic firepeople outfits.

Beep, beep, beep. Back that truck up, Owie!

Sliding down to save the day!

We discovered that Scooter can climb steps...quickly and all by himself, especially while my back is turned!

O was fascinated by these balls going around and around. How mesmerizing!

Owen hard at work "building a house."

After playing inside for quite awhile, we headed outdoors to explore. We discovered turtles, pecans, squirrels, a "whisper dish." We had so much fun just hanging out, enjoying God's beautiful creation.

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