Friday, October 12, 2007

Easy Fix

Owen made a troubling announcement this evening:
"I don't see well, Mommy!"
I was busy getting Noah ready for bed, so instead of rushing to O's assistance, I questioned, "Do your eyes hurt, Honey?
"No. I close them. It is dark." Said so matter-of-factly.

"Well open them ,Goofball!"

"That's so much better, Mommy!"

1 comment:

cheryl said...

Very funny! Aren't they silly some times?
I noticed that O is missing his top right tooth. M has been missing the opposite one on the bottom left and it JUST CAME IN TODAY. We were so excited. I honestly thought it might not be in there. ;o) We've even had people ask us if she's already lost a tooth. Nope, just hasn't gotten them in yet. We thought S might get all her teeth first.
There's hope! :o)