Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Sweet Friend

A very dear friend, whom I have known for a long time, and come to respect and admire very much, nominated me for this cool blog award. I am humbled (especially by Cheryl's kind, encouraging words!), for sure, as my blog is really just a record of our day to day lives. Nothing spectacular. Anyway, the rules are just to post 7 random, little known facts about myself. We'll see how this goes...

1. I could honestly eat Taco Bueno twice a day, every day. Two bean burritos with lots of hot sauce. I never tire of the stuff!

2. I would rather we all were bald. I hate trying to make my hair presentable each day. It stresses me out.

3. I love nothing more than being a mommy and would easily have 12 kids. However, I hate being pregnant. I never get a "glow" and I do not treasure each fetal milestone. I know I should love every minute of carrying a little being, and I definitely appreciate the miracle of it all, but I just don't enjoy it. Any of it. (As soon as Baby makes his appearance, I am 100% better, even in the OR after a c-section.)

4. My first real kiss was from my husband. I knew all along that I only wanted to kiss one man, The One, and so I saved it for Jeremy. What a sweet moment that was!

5. I knew I wanted to be a baby nurse from the time I was three years old, when I told my Mom that when I grew up I wanted to be "the lady in the hospital that got to hold the babies." A baby nurse and a mommy, of course. When I was 14, my dream specifically became to be a NICU nurse. I never wavered in that calling. I was a NICU nurse for 9 years before fulfilling my even bigger dream of becoming a mommy.

6. I eat ice cream almost every single night before bed. I have to. I am addicted. Favorite flavors? Cookies and cream, peppermint and moose tracks.

7. I have a very far-fetched dream of one day becoming a children's photographer. If only I had the time...and the talent. I think it would be amazingly rewarding to capture the inner beauty of children on film for their parents to treasure forever.

So how's that for completely random? If only you knew just how long it took me to come up with 7 things about myself!

I now nominate Chrys & Mike's World. What a Mommy this lady is to her three amazing boys! I am privileged to know her and to learn from her. She inspires me to be more purposeful in the day to day, sometimes mundane, raising of boys. I am so thankful for her friendship and her example.

1 comment:

Chrys and Mike said...

You're super sweet! I loved reading your seven things!
