Snow had been predicted for Thursday, lots of it. I was not holding my breath because usually it is when we are the most prepared and excited for snow that it never makes an appearance. However, as Jeremy left for work early Thursday morning, he whispered to me that there were huge, fluffy flakes falling from the sky. Hooray!
We were all so sad that Daddy still had to got to the office, but that was not going to stop us from enjoying the amazing, miraculous snow. In all my years, I have never seen such wet, sticky, enormous flakes. It was gorgeous!
Gramps had both a little free time to play with us and sleds. We all bundled up in our very odd assortment of winter weather gear (I was very unprepared!) right over our pajamies and set out.
Can you tell the kids loved it?!
O insisted on wearing my old ski goggles to help his eyes not get snow in them.Ready? Set?
Away they go! Oh, they had so much fun! After this picture, I had to put my camera down and jump in to the fun!
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