Saturday, February 06, 2010


We have been praying for a solution to our bedroom situation once Jonah arrived. We had two choices: put the older Boys together or change our play room into a nursery. There were so many pros and cons to each arrangement. High on my priority list was to preserve sleep! We were sure that the Boys wouldn't sleep a wink if we put them in the same room. They both have so many sleep issues and I have to wake Nosy up sometimes several times a night for his diabetes.

One night, when Jeremy was at a meeting, I decided to just try putting them together. I pulled out Owie's trundle bed and set it up for Noah. They thought I was giving them the best gift ever. It was so sweet to listen to their little sleepy time conversations on the baby monitor. They talked for awhile and then fell asleep for the rest of the night. The rest is history! They have roomed together ever since. And although they stay up a little later than before, the nights go much more smoothly than I ever expected. O even sleeps through Nosy's middle of the night blood sugar checks.

The next step: shopping for the perfect bunk beds...which we quickly located at The Dump.

Many helpers make happy work!

All assembled and looking so handsome...the beds and the guys!

Sleep tight, Sweet Brothers!


Libby said...

So, so happy you found some. They look great...and the boys look thrilled. Yeah for you all!

Erica said...

Love, love, love it!!

cheryl said...

What?!? That's so awesome! Yay for sweet blessings all around. :o)

Deann Black said...

YEAH...You found a bed:) Love it and it looks like the boys do too!

thesanders said...

What a fun room! I can tell that Gabriel and Theo will want to be in the same room someday. Gabriel climbs into Theo's bed at every chance. It's special to have brothers!

Chrys and Mike said...

Love it! How are they doing?
