Wednesday, February 03, 2010

God Kisses

The other day, my Mom and I were talking to the Boys about "kisses from God," very special gifts from God that make them unique and wonderful. We listed some wonderful, positive things about each Boy: Owen's gorgeous curls, Nosy's infectious laugh, Owie's soft heart, the mole inside Noah's left ear.

Then we moved on to harder "kisses" to understand, things that, in this life anyway, may be viewed more as hardships than blessings from God. Owen's prematurity and cleft lip. Noah's diabetes. We explained how God created each Boy to be perfect in His image and He has a special reason for "kissing" my Boys in these ways, that He will use these things (and already has!) for the good of His kingdom. How grateful we can be that God chose us to be used by Him!

I am sure this whole conversation floated right over the tops of their precious little heads, but it was good practice for me since I know there will be tough questions (especially about the diabetes) in my future.

Afterwards, Nosy bounced off to play, while O just sat in his chair thinking for awhile. He was obviously mulling things over.
"Mommy, kisses from God are wonderful. They make me special. Do you know what my very favorite kiss from God is? My new baby Jonah!"


Abbey said...

Gosh, darnit, your boys are so precious!

Erica said...


Deann Black said...

You are doing a wonderful job training up wonderful young men!!! LOVE Owen's answer:)

Libby said...

What a wonderful conversation and what a sweet heart Owen has...