Monday, February 01, 2010

Big Brother Room

Welcome to Owen and Noah's new bedroom!
We will gradually add the perfect bunk beds (Craigslist maybe?) and wall decor. The Boys LOVE their new bedding and this Mommy hopes that love equals long nights of sleep! Sweet dreams, Big Boys!


Erica said...

I LOVE the bedding!! I will keep my eyes open for a bunk bed!! You are on a blogging roll. You must feel much better!

Gigi said...

I love that bedding! It is perfect for those sweet boys who love sports so much.

cheryl said...

SO much fun!

It took me about 6mo to find them (I was looking off and on before we actually needed them), but I scored our bunk beds in the garage sale section of craigslist. (sometimes people are more eager to get rid of stuff that way) They were originally asking $200, which was a fair price, but w/ cash in hand I decided to low-ball them in hopes that they'd meet me half way. I ended up getting the solid wood beds, mattresses and bunky boards all for my offered price $100! I'm sure you can find a great deal if you have the time to look! :o) Good luck.

Deann Black said...

VERY CUTE!!! The quilts are darling.