I don't take many pictures during school. Usually we are too busy for photo ops. But today we had two especially fun things happen.
First, both Boys earned surprises in Bible class. What a special day! To earn a surprise, they had to recite Deut 6:4-7 from memory (Noah was permitted a few prompts.) and earn stickers for answering the questions in our catechism: 20 for Nosy, 30 for O (over several days). Way to go, Boys! I am so proud of you!
The prizes were new hats for our dress up basket. The guys were thrilled!
Later in the day, we discovered our very favorite new game: store!
It was so funny to observe the Boys' spending habits. Nosy was a big spender, running through his money quickly buying high dollar items like mimis (pacis) and mac and cheese. When he ran out of coins, he was perfectly content to play with what he had bought. O, on the other hand, hoarded his money, often skipping turns because he didn't want to spend any of it. When he would make a purchase, it was always for something 5 cents or less. He bought all the cutlery at 1 cent each and the plates for 3 cents each. At the end, he still had a stack of coins left but hardly any food to play with. I guess the "spender" versus "saver" trait is something that is inborn? It will be interesting to see if they stay true to their early inclinations.
I love it when they get so into stuff like this. You just never know when something will become a new fav! ;o)
It will be interesting to see how much "spending" habits change/ stay the same as they grow.
It's always funny to see things like that come out so early.
totally adorable. i think i have a lot to learn from owen. :) also... where did you get that rug???? love it!!!! (wow, my ability to save lasted all of 1.2 seconds...)
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