Friday, June 12, 2009

Elliot Walls Halpin

A miracle! A blessing! Such a darling Boy!
Elliot Walls Halpin arrived last night at 10:23 weighing 8pounds, 1ounce.
Erica, the super star, is doing great and looks amazing.
Just look at how gorgeous he is!

Such sweet little lips and he has adorable dimples!

The boys were thrilled to meet their newest cousin! And when Erica said they could (gulp) hold him?! They were over the moon!

Owie could not believe he got to hold such a teeny tiny baby. He has not stopped talking about it since. "It was the most special thing, Mommy! I got to hold Baby Elliot!"

Pretty soon, Nosy was gazing up at me with wistful eyes: "I want bee-bee too, Mommy." Erica was so gracious and let Noah have a turn with her precious bundle. Nose could not get enough of him, touching every tiny body part so carefully. This Boy loves babies!

And check out Jeremy! A pro, I'd say.

We are so blessed to have you in our family, Elliot! We thank God for you, Tiny Boy.


Deann Black said...

What a cutie! Love the pic of Owen holding Elliot:)

cheryl said...

Your "pretend friend" says congratulations, he's just a doll!
She also says that all three of those boys look extremely comfortable and NATURAL and she thinks it may be a sign. ;o)

Lainey-Paney said...

What O said----that is the sweetest thing.