Monday, May 04, 2009

Time Flies When You're Having Fun

Which is NOT what we have been having around here. So the days drag by, inching from insulin shot to insulin shot; from blood sugar check to blood sugar check; meal to meal. Nosy's blood sugars continue to be so unstable: ranging from 66-550 in a 24 hour period. We are stressed and tired and stressed and sad...and stressed.

O is really having a difficult time, regressing in speech and clinginess, crying for hours before he falls asleep at night. Putting the Boys in the same room helped bedtime immensely. Instead of crying, Owie played and giggled with his brother...until after 10pm. So last night, we gave them a couple of warnings and eventually had to put Nosy back in his own room. Owen proceeded to cry and scream for another hour. I can sympathize with the Guy. I feel like regressing and crying and screaming too. His whole world has been turned upside down.

A few details I want to remember:
*We have noticed that when Nosy starts peeing on the floor, his blood sugar is high. Every time his sugar is over 400, he starts having accidents.

*God so blessed us with a lady in Jeremy's HR department. She has a daughter with Type I diabetes and has been walking us through ordering meds and supplies. She knows just what to do, so we just have to carry out what she says, rather than waste brain power trying to figure it out on our own.

*The Child Life lady at the hospital recommended that we designate a specific area for all shots and blood sugar checks. We have picked a green chair in our living room to be the "Poke Chair." Noah knows to head there every time we mention getting a "poke." Thus far, he sits on one of our laps and the other does the poking. What a luxury for me! It will all change when Jeremy goes back to work later in the week.

*Noah has learned to mostly sleep through the middle of the night blood sugar checks. What a blessing for him! I am so thankful he is not losing sleep.

*Another thing I am so grateful for is the family and friends that have been praying us through this and rallying around us, providing meals, listening ears, shoulders to cry on, gifts for the kids, words of encouragement. I am overwhelmed by the body of Christ and how we have been ministered to. We are so very blessed.

I trust that God is going before us every day, one step at a time, making a way for us. How grateful I am that He is seeing us through, carrying us when it seems to be too much for us to handle. He is faithful and I know that good will come of this situation. I trust His heart. He loves me and He loves Jeremy and He loves Nosy and O. We are right where we need to be, in the palm of His hand, dependant fully on Him alone.


Erica said...

I love y'all so much and what incredible faith you have to continue to trust Him in all of this uncertainty. You and Jeremy are doing an incredible job! I love seeing pictures of all three boys smiling. Brings tears! "When the darkness closes in Lord, still I will say..Blessed be your name!"

chrys said...

we love you.

kms said...

my thoughts and prayers are with you guys - libby just told me about noah and i immediately came to the blog for updates. you are so loved ... and so strong. what a family!
much love,

leslieandmatt said...

I have been thinking about you and your sweet Noah since I read about what was going on on your Facebook. You are such a wonderful Mommy and I've been praying for your continued strength during this tough time. :)

Anonymous said...

FBC Midlothian has Mr. Noah on the prayer list plus mom, dad and O. DeAnn has kept me updated but it's always good to hear it from you. Your family is on my permanent prayer list. O & Noah are like my 5th & 6th grandsons! Just like DeAnn use to say when she was Noah's age...."It uh be alright!!!" .....Deana

cheryl said...

You are all on our hearts!

Sarah said...

we don't know each other, but I am a friend of Chrys' and have been reading your blog (off her blog) for a while. I just want to say how sorry I am to read about little Noah and his diagnosis of DM 1. I am a nurse as well, and well, we just know too much :), which makes things scarier, I think. Another thing I do know is-you are a nurse, you are a mother and you CAN do this! I am praying for you and Noah and the rest of your family.
Sarah Castillo

MichaelandJaclynn said...

Your faith is amazing and inspiring!

I work with a great child life specialist so if you have any questions or want to talk to her let me know and I can hook you up.