Thursday, May 14, 2009


We are settling into a little bit more of a routine around here. We've even conquered getting out of the house over meal time. Inch by inch, we all are adjusting to this new way of life. It is still not easy and requires a great deal of planning and thought and calculating, but little by little it is beginning to seem more normal.

Nosy's blood sugars remain high, but overall they are lower than they were a week ago. After talking with people that know a lot more about diabetes than I do, I can only assume that Noah has felt pretty cruddy lately with his blood sugars running so high. Once they are stabilized within his target range, they have said I can expect a whole new kiddo. I am pretty fond of the kiddo I have, but he has been prone to crabbiness and fit throwing over the past few weeks. It is very likely that he doesn't feel very well. We are working with the doctors continuously, adjusting his insulin doses until we find the one that keeps Noah under good control.

Jeremy and I are still struggling with the permanence of the disease. We discussed last night that neither one of us can look at him or hug him without unconsciously analyzing every aspect of him. Is he sweaty? Clammy? Pale? Jittery? Is he okay? I am sure he is tired of us asking if he feels alright. Hopefully, one day, we will be able to relax a little more.

The shots and blood sugar checks are going well. He still cries a little most of the time, but he is easily distracted and recovers quickly. I am so proud of that Boy! What has been harder this week is making sure he finishes his meal in the allotted 30 minutes. I am constantly harping at him to "Eat up!" I need to be careful not to give the kid a food disorder, as focused as we are on what goes into that mouth of his.

By the grace of God, I think I can see, way off in the distance, a day when this will all be easier. When getting out of the house will not be quite so stressful, when we can relax and sleep through the night again, when calculating insulin doses will be no sweat. Isn't God so good to us? He is bringing us through this, one baby step at a time. He is with us all the way. We are leaning on Him.

1 comment:

Lainey-Paney said...

I don't know you.
I went to school with Erica, Joel, & Jeremy, so I've come over here via Erica's blog.

I'm so sorry about this disease affecting your family. I can only imagine the fear and struggle.