Thursday, May 07, 2009

The Latest

Just a super quick update before I crash for the night:
Well, Noah still has diabetes. And there are still times when it hits me as if I am finding out again for the very first time. There is definitely a grieving process to go through. And lots of chocolate. I am going through lots of chocolate.

Jeremy headed back to work today. Can I just brag on my sweet Hubby for a minute? This guy amazes me!! Not only is he super helpful and involved when we are both around: drawing up meds and giving shots like he is McDreamy himself, but he also took care of both Boys all day yesterday so I could go to a class to learn even more about diabetes. He flew solo and did a terrific job! The kids were well taken care of and played with, the house was clean, and everyone was smiling when I got home.

Nosy's blood sugars are still running high. Especially the lunch blood sugar, which is usually in the 400's. He is adjusting to the shots and sometimes only gives us a whimper instead of a full blown cry. Brave Boy. He is stronger than I knew. We took him to the pediatrician today and he has gained back 2 of the 3 1/2 pounds he lost prior to diagnosis. The kid loves to eat! I am so proud of Nosy-Posy and how he has adapted. There are still occasional bouts of anger, but for the most part, he is doing amazingly well.

We have been working hard to help O adjust. We have tried lots of things: more family time, more time alone with one parent, a special outing with his cousins, skipping nap to do special bigger boy things with mommy. I finally stumbled upon something that has helped dramatically. He just wants to be involved. He now has the job of holding the blood sugar meter while I poke Nosy's finger, and then he helps me scoop up the tiny drop of blood. When it is time to check Noah's blood sugar, everyone that is home rallies around the poker chair to lend a hand. Not only does Noah feel tons of attention focused on him, but O feels like a crucial part of it.

I am sad to report that I have still not ventured out of the house except for a walk around the block or a quick trip to the store. I am really nervous about being out over a meal for some reason, and all the paraphernalia I have to pack just for a quick trip out intimidates me. Tomorrow, I am headed to the Home School Book Fair though, to pick out kindergarten curriculum for Owie: an all day outing. My parents are coming to lend a hand, so hopefully we will do okay. I am anxious about it, but I am also sick of just being at home.

I am weary of thinking about, dreaming about, breathing in and out blood sugars and insulin and carbs. At the class I attended yesterday, I learned even more info that further complicates things. For example, before Noah exercises for 45 minutes to an hour, I need to load him up with extra carbs and check his blood sugar before, during and after the exercise. That includes swimming this summer, running around the Arbo, riding bikes out front, not to mention when he starts organized sports. And there are tons of other things like that to consider. What about when he gets a pukey bug and can't eat? What about when he goes to a birthday party and wants to be like everyone else and enjoy a piece of cake? Anyway, I am weary and stressed and ready for the day when this will be second nature rather than all-consuming.

Yet I know that God is sustaining us. To think that it has only been 10 days since we first heard the news! The Lord has brought us so far in that short time. May I learn continued dependence on Him to make it through each day. He is so faithful. He has proven that to our family over and over again.


cheryl said...

Thanks for the update! Still praying for all of you, and thankful for the great support team you have! :o)

Deann Black said...

I check everyday to see if there is an updated post with lots of info:) I am glad you are doing better...I knew you would rally! We continue to pray for you guys and hope that things continue to come easier as you learn more and more about this disease process. I am so glad you got to go to the book fair. Laurie said she had a lot of fun at the one she went to. I was worried you wouldn't be able to go. You better get ready...we are going to do something fun with the boys soon:)