Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Comic Relief

In the midst of all the orneriness, O has said the funniest things!

"I am all tangled up with sleep! That means I slept SOOOOO long!" (I could only wish!)

Owie spontaneously came up to me and gave me a huge hug. "It's so hard being a kid, Mommy." I asked him what parts were especially hard for him these days. "Mostly taking a bath..."

Regarding using good manners: "I can't use them all the every time by-cuz then I would use them all and there would be no more left in my heart."

After eating a special treat of strawberries with whipped cream, I asked him if he would enjoy some more. "Actually I'd like a bowl of just whipped cream, please." So polite, that Boy.

O has been very interested in the sun and the earth's rotation. In order to avoid going to bed, he asked if the sun could stay up on our side of the world all the time. "What about those poor kids that live on the other side of the world?" I asked him. "They would only have darkness all the time if we only had sunshine." "They could just be nocturnal, Mommy."

1 comment:

Deann Black said...

That cowboy pic just makes me laugh so hard:)...and all the thought that goes into his crazy honest answers.