I wouldn't want to run into this guy in a dark alley!
This face is reminiscent of Big Brother's squishy face phase.
Owen 13 months old
I have decided to try my hand at blogging. I feel like my precious life with my Boys is passing me by all too quickly. I am treasuring every day up in my heart, but I don't want to ever forget even one of the sweet nothings that make my Boys so wonderful.
I wouldn't want to run into this guy in a dark alley!
This face is reminiscent of Big Brother's squishy face phase.
Owen 13 months old
O tries to remedy the situation
No one mentioned to him that Noah weighs almost as much as he does!
Giggle, giggle
Later the same night...Tickle Fest!
Noah was after Owen's sweet toes. O dished it right back to him. They were both so delighted with each other!
May they always be Best Friends.
I forgot to take an "after" picture right then, but took this one today. Daddy did an impressive job and is hereby elected House of Halpin Hairdresser, a title I am sure he will wear proudly!
Owen finally agreed to hold Noah's hand. Can you feel his enthusiasm?
Noah's outta here! I grabbed him by the foot just in the nick of time!
Usually very fond of his little "Brudder," O was in no mood to be messed with by the end of the photo shoot. "Wait, No-nos. Wait! O's shirt!"
Such sweetness.
This was actually the first picture I took. I guess I should learn from experience. The Boys were both still in fresh moods and enjoying each other's company. What wonderful Boys I have been blessed with!
If you would have told me last week that in one week Owen would be completely potty trained, I would have laughed out loud! I have been dreading the process, having been discouraged by friends and family as to the difficulty, especially of training little boys. Lately though, O has been announcing every time he potties and he requests to be changed very promptly, even if he's just wet. After going through dipes at an alarming rate, I began to wonder what would happen if I let him wear underpants just while at home. We did this last Saturday and Sunday with nary an accident. I was shocked! Maybe he is ready for more intensive training camp, I thought. Monday, I decided to take the plunge. With O clad in his favorite car underpants (terminology lesson to follow!), no less than six changes of clothes (I was very pessimistic!) and a tiny potty in the back of the car, we ran errands all morning. Still completely dry! I was amazed! A week later, O has only had one true accident, and that happened in his bed right after he woke up from nap. (He still wears a dipe at night and wakes up soaked.) Training camp was not only successful but also completely painless!
Here O is carefully selecting the perfect piece of "gum." I took him to Target, where they have endless bins of brightly colored candy as far as the eye can see, and told him he could pick any kind he wanted for his "gum" bowl. He inspected the whole long row of bins and finally decided on chocolate covered raisins. Owen insists they are actually called "brownies." I am just thankful they have a smidgen of nutritional value, if you can call a raisin nutritious. Although we have several other options in the gum bowl (Smarties, fruit snacks, gummy worms), he selects a "brownie" every time!
Hanging out in his underpants. Growing up with only a sister, I always refer to undergarments by a distinctly feminine term. I was quickly reprimanded by my hubby that we were never to refer to Owen's underpants by that frilly name, unless I wanted him to be ridiculed for the rest of his life. And so, I must lay to rest the familiar and take up more masculine terms that have been approved of by Jeremy. I am allowed freedom of choice between underpants, underwear or underroos (only if they have a superhero on them). I am not sure if I can fit into this world of men!
August 1
Up on all fours rocking, usually when expressing displeasure, as is seen in the photo
Crawled two "steps" August 4
August 6
4 "steps" and pushed from a crawl to a sit (Love those chubbo legs of his!)
I think he is laughing at me! This one is going to give me a run for my money, I can already tell!
I couldn't love him more!
Owen and Mia having a great time!
(picture courtesy of Gigi)
Owen can hardly stop talking about the amazing time he had on his date!