Thursday, April 05, 2007


Usually all is blissful in the House of Halpin. God has abundantly blessed me beyond my wildest expectations with the most wonderful husband and incredible Babies. I am so content with my life. But sometimes...
Sometimes when I have had less than four hours of sleep, and even those few hours interrupted, I am not the most patient Mommy.
Sometimes the words that I hear the most out of Owen's sweet mouth are "No Mommy! No obey! Spanking!"
Sometimes my mildly high-maintenance baby cries rather shrilly for hours on end for no apparent reason.
Sometimes I am covered in all sorts of (rather smelly) bodily fluids (none of them my own) and feel awfully unattractive.
Sometimes one of the qualities I admire most in O, his endless patience, backfires on me. He can say, "Huh?!" hundreds of times, patiently awaiting just the right answer.
Sometimes precious Noah just wants to be talked to, all day long, and screams (again shrilly) if I try to do anything else.
Sometimes (often!) I have to stop in my tracks, declare my total dependence on God, and pray He will parent these amazing Boys through me because I am so utterly inadequate.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the honesty! It's good to know.
l, b

The Beautiful Cagle Family said...

Amen, sister!! I have those days more then I wish it admit. BUT God is good and I believe He uses our kids to help us be better parents!!