Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The Low Down on O

A few funny, little-known facts about The O:

He likes his "tummy OUT, please!" He would prefer his tummy to be out all day long. We compromise with revealing the tummy at nap time and bed time.

Owen is such a caring, helpful Big Brother. He is also a clean freak. This combination makes for a very spic and span Baby Brother! He is constantly hunting for Noah's "mopper" to wipe up remnants of spit up or drool that I carelessly overlooked.

O's favorite past-time? "Race, please!" said with the cutest little lisp you've ever heard. How can you turn that down? Mommy and Daddy get LOTS of exercise!

Owen's Theme Song: "Owie, DO IT!!" Such adamant independence is emerging! It's so exciting to watch him mature and become more self-sufficient, but at the same time it sometimes tries Mommy's patience! To see the look of pride on O's sweet face when he succeeds is definitely worth the frustration though!

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