Monday, April 16, 2007

Scooter is Growing Up!

Three months old and as cute as a button!

All bundled up during our cold snap in April. It was so fun to be able to dress him in some of my favorite outfits that O wore. Owen was 10 months old when he wore this!

So handsome!

Our little Jumparoo! Surely Noah is not already big enough for this! He is growing up way too fast!

I think he likes it! Many thanks to Aunt Julianne and Aunt Erica!


cheryl said...

Isn't it fun to have our second child be the same sex as the first? I have had so much fun taking trips down memory lane as I get out old outfits and toys!
Noah is a little stud! ;o) I can't believe how fast our babies are growing!!!

Nathan, Jordan, Kaleb and Mariah said...

I can't believe how big Noah is...what a handsome little chunk!!! So smiley like his mama!