Tuesday, June 28, 2011

FroYo for a Lego*

So one other eventful thing happened while O was at Camp Gigi/Papa.  We had our first tiny object stuck in a nostril.  Honestly, with three boys and a plethora of tiny tempting things around the house, I am surprised this experiment hasn't been tried before.

I was on the computer.  Jones was in bed and Noah was happily relaxing after our busy day.  Soon I hear, "Mommy!  I found a Lego under the couch!"  Well, that's great news, but sadly, not that unusual.  Then the screaming started.  Hysterical screaming with some loud snorts mixed in.  I ran to find my very distraught kiddo rolling around on the living room floor.  He was in.con.solable.  It took me a few minutes to even decipher the screaming, hiccupy words coming from my spazzing kid's mouth.  "It's in my nose...my NOSE!!!"  Uh-oh.  The newly discovered Lego found its way into Noah's nose.  He was so upset that I could barely peer into his tiny nostril.  Unfortunately, I could see neither hide nor hair of the Lego.  Mix that news with the fact that he was still snorting and sniffling, surely moving the Lego even further up into his nasal passage.  I immediately called our pediatrician who informed me that if the Lego could not be visualized, a trip to the ER was in our future.  Great.

I pulled Noah up on my lap to try to comfort him.  Gradually his sobs turned into hiccupy whimpers.  I was finally able to get a description of the missing Lego and impart on him the importance of not snorting with all his might.  Man, I did not want to head to the ER, alone, with a tired, crabby Jones and a scared 4 year old.  Not to mention the cost of a trip to the ER.  I prayed and prayed and prayed while I rocked Nosy.  When he had calmed down enough, I laid him on the floor and took a peek up his nose.  I think all the snot from crying had helped lube up his nasal cavity.  I could now see the Lego!  A grey round piece.  Maybe, just maybe, I could get it out myself?  I was scared to try though.  What if I pushed it up further? 

I called my parents for advice.  (Remember Gigi was taking care of 5 cousins all alone.  No need to worry her!)  They rushed right over to offer moral support and to stay with Jonah if an ER trip was necessary.  I decided to try one time.  If I didn't get it right away, we were hospital bound for sure. 

The first thing we did was pray over Noah.  Please let this work, Lord!  Then I told Noah that if he lay super still and let me get the Lego out, Daddy and I would trade that Lego for frozen yogurt after dinner.  Ooooo!  His eyes lit up at that!  I am not a fan of bribing my kids, but in this case, a little incentive to be still could not hurt.  Mom and Dad held Noah down and I went after it, armed with tweezers.  And guess what guys?!  First try, I nabbed that pesky Lego and it slipped right out!  Praise the Lord!  We all collapsed with relief.  Thank God it worked!!! 

So after dinner, we headed out to Yogurt Cup for some delicious dessert...and a heart to heart about keeping tiny objects out of our noses.  Noah never could tell me why or how the Lego ended up in his nose to begin with, but I betcha it never happens again!

*Jeremy said to tell y'all that if this were his Pulitzer Prize winning article, he would entitle it FroYo for a Lego No-no.*

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