Monday, August 30, 2010

First Day of School

Here are my big boys, so excited to start pre-K and first grade. They could hardly wait!
I feel so overwhelmingly blessed to have them home with me for another year. Not only am I really excited about our curriculum and what all we are learning, but also I simply love being around my kids. It's going to be a great year of deepening our love for the Lord, working on good character, building deeper sibling relationships and practicing respecting each other.

This is what our school desk (AKA kitchen table) looks like. Jonesy cooed happily away while we worked on making passports for our people of the world class.

Our passports were very fancy, complete with glitter glue. O drew some pretty cool stamps inside of his of places he would like to visit one day.

Nosy's passport took days to dry! Check out that pile of glitter glue!

Owen with his first reader.

These are my books for the year. Pretty intimidating! I can't believe we are going to cover all that material in only one year! It is taking me about two hours each evening to prepare for the next day. These books include the schedule and lesson plans I am to follow. Any fun games or crafts (the kids' favorite part of the day) I come up with in addition to the material provided. Hopefully, as I get more familiar with the curriculum, I will be able to prepare in less time.

Our first day went great and was loads of fun! I had one-on-one time to teach Nosy; we read aloud while I nursed Jones; we crafted and played a spelling game and even had a great volleyball match for PE class. The only down-side: we were at it for six hours! We enjoyed it all, but it took forever. Hopefully we will get faster as time goes by!


cheryl said...

Yay! And wow, that is a lot of time! I'm sure you'll get in a groove soon. ;o)

Deann Black said...

LOVE the fabric boards in the kitchen and your new table!!! You do an awesome job at being a teacher and I am very proud to call you my FRIEND:)