Monday, August 09, 2010

2 Months: Turn on the Charm!

11 pounds, 8 ounces (50%)
24 1/2 inches (90%)
Jonah, the past two months have just flown by. You are already growing and changing so much. I am trying so very hard to store all these precious moments away in my heart forever. The days are going by way too fast, and soon you will be big.

I love tucking you in my bed for your morning nap. I imagine it smells like me and you get such peaceful rest there.
Look who else just can't get enough of you, Tiny Boy. These Guys are head over heals for you. They can't wait for you to grow big enough to wrestle with them. In the meantime, they love to sing to you, chit chat with you, tell you stories, hold you on their laps, and pat your sweet baby head.

You are still super laid back and easy-going. You sleep well and eat great. You rarely get upset, even when you are hungry. Car rides are not your fave, but we can deal with that.

You are trying so hard to communicate with us. Your tiny mouth gets to working (You make such funny faces!) and your arms flap and your legs pump. So far, no smiles or coos though. I know they are right around the corner and I can't wait! I absolutely love your newborness, but I can't wait to get to know you more.

You woke up on the very morning of your two month birthday and gave me this! An enormous grin. And coos and smiles and squeals. We chatted for about 15 minutes before you got sleepy. It is as if your switch turned on and all of a sudden you can smile and vocalize. How charming you are, Tweedle Dee. I love every single ounce of you!

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