Friday, August 27, 2010


I just love it that each of the Big Boys pauses often in their play to chit chat with Jones. And every time they get a smile or a tiny coo, they come running to tell me every detail with such excitement. Just today Nosy said, "Mommymommymommy, Jonesy made five noises just like 'aa-oooh.' FIVE times, Mommy! He talked to me!" Sweet O keeps track of exactly how many grins he coaxes from Jonah each day. I worried that they would eventually get tired of a tiny Brother that doesn't do much, but they seem to love him more all the time.

Precious smiles for Owie

Chatting with Nosy

Sweet Jones, 11 weeks old


Julianne said...

Cutest pictures EVER! He has changed so much since Destin. . .hope to see you guys soon!

cheryl said...

I just LOVE all these pics! SO PRECIOUS!!!

Gigi said...

Those are so sweet! He is growing so fast!

AmyB said...

He has changed so much since the last first I thought that was Noah, but too little! He's got a lot of hair like Malia :-)

Jenny said...

oh! the cute!! I love it, your handsome boys :)

Libby said...

Darling, darling boys. It is amazing how much your little Jonesy has changed!