Saturday, May 19, 2007

Where's the Beef?!

In an attempt to assist Noah with his poor sleeping habits, I started him on rice cereal. My rationalization was that surely he would sleep more soundly (I was PRAYING!) with a stuffed-full, happy tummy.

He was not too sure about it at first...

...but by the bottom of the bowl, he was pulling my spoon-laden hand towards his mouth with all his strength while "crunching" up towards me to get to the food faster. It was hilarious! One thing my Boy has never had trouble with is eating! He's a natural! He could not overcome the strong to desire to still suck on his fingers while eating though. Thus, we headed straight to the tub for a spray-down after the meal.

Some of my compassionate friends may be wondering if my attempts resulted in a more solid night of sleep. Let me just say I was up no fewer than seven times between 10:30 and 2:00! After that he did sleep a solid three hour stretch before rising with a grin and a squeal! At least he starts his day full of energy!

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