Friday, February 23, 2007

We Are "Picture People"

What an adventure we had this week! I have been wanting some good quality professional pictures of the Boys. So Monday, we packed up everything we could possibly need for a photo shoot (freshly starched and ironed outfits, blankets, props, attention-capturing toys to coax smiles out of a bored two year old) and head to the Picture People. Unfortunately, Noah had a different agenda. One thing I have learned about Noah: His agenda is priority! He squalled for the entire 45 minutes we attempted to take photos. Never fear! I will not be discouraged! We booked an appointment for the following morning. Alas, it is a repeat of the day before! It is as if Noah has an aversion to the photo studio! He was perfectly content and gorgeous in his precious outfit (Jeremy's coming home from the hospital outfit circa 1976) until my feet crossed the threshold into the studio. Screamimg, screaming, and even shriller screaming followed. Poor Owie was beginning to wonder if he should be fearing the picture-taking process for some reason since it so upset Brother. I was starting to feel very frustrated, but I decided to have one more go at it. I was bound and determined to record this moment in history. We made yet another appointment for after the Boys had napped. The third time was a charm! Owen was on his best behavior, and Noah was content to be positioned and propped up and loved on by O. It was well worth the trial! The pictures are beautiful!


Angela said...

Beautiful boys. I'm so glad you persevered.

Angela said...

I especially love the first image. It seems so peaceful.