Friday, February 23, 2007

Introducing "Scooter the Wonderful"

Noah is a whopping two months old already! I can't even believe it! Every day is such a privilege as I get to know more facets of this big personality stuck in a tiny body. I fall more in love with this delightful, vocal, bright-eyed little boy every day. At his doctor's appointment today he weighed in at 12 pounds, 5 ounces (75%) and is 24 inches (90%) long! I am not used to having a full-sized baby. It is so much fun to kiss on chubby thighs and pinch butter-soft cheeks (both types of cheeks!). He is such a delight!

3:00am smiles for Mommy, my reward for getting up in the middle of the night. It is 100% worth every minute of tiredness for those priceless grins!

Scooter does not enjoy Mommy's Photo Studio as much as Mommy does. He very effectively voices his opinions!

Just look at those home-grown thighs! He takes after Mommy!

Owen takes great pride in comforting "No-ah" (he is Be-be no more) these days. He selflessly shares his beloved paci, and kisses abound between Brothers.

What a blessing, my Wonderful Boy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hurray for more words! "Noah" doesn't have the easiest sounds. That's great and the pics are all so sweet.
- Becky