Saturday, July 09, 2011

The Bubble Lady

We have never attended one of the free Saturday fun days at the library before.  But then, I heard about The Bubble Lady (must be said with awe and adoration).  She was world-renowned and supposedly unbelievable.  Amazing.  Unprecedented.  She was a must-see.  So I stood in line when the library opened, along with about a hundred other devoted moms, and snagged tickets for our fam. 

Can you tell by looking at Jeremy's face that she was mediocre at best?  At it was durned uncomfortable smooshed together on the floor in the overly warm conference room. 

But the Boys thought it was cool.  And it did start Jeremy's wheels turning about what kind of so-so act he might be able to take on the road for a bunch of money.  Hula-hooping?  Juggling?  Hop-scotching?  Don't quit your day job, Buddy!

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