Friday, January 21, 2011


I can not believe you are six, Owen Jeremiah.  Where has the last year gone?  You are growing in leaps and bounds, taller and lankier...and smarter and wiser. 

You have taken your role as eldest brother very seriously lately.  I can not think of a better role model for the younger two than you.  You are sweet to them and caring and considerate and thoughtful.  With Jones, you are only gentle and kind, and that Tiny Boy adores you.  With Nosy, well, you two have your moments of complete knock down-drag out fighting, but mostly you guys are the very best of friends.

These past six months have been our most challenging yet. You have discovered the world of sass and are giving it a whirl. Toss in some great foot stomping and pouty, disrespectful faces and you've got quite a mess.  It has not been fun for either of us as you experiment, but we'll get it nipped in the bud.  I have to, before you are bigger than me.

This is the O we see most of the time though.  You are funny and witty and love to tell jokes that crack yourself up.  You are contemplative and a math genius, I am sure, and so sensitive.  You balk at school, but it comes so very easily to you.  You are so athletic and have recently become even more enamoured with Lego construction than ever before.  You are quite the artist and enjoy drawing when it's quiet around the house.

You have the best laugh ever, full of pure delight.  You still love to snuggle with me, and I will take advantage of that fact as much as I can.  I know the day is coming...I can't even think about that right now.  You are competitive and are learning to be a good sport, sometimes the hard way.

You are a joy, Owen, a pure joy.  I love spending my days with you. And when I get frustrated and tired of the disciplining, I focus on the fact that I know God has a special calling on your life.  It is our job to ready you for that calling, whatever it may be.  I focus on that and the fact that you are not going to be little forever and how very much I will one day long for these tired days again. 

I am so very thankful that God chose to bless us with you.  You are amazingly wonderful.  And now you are six.  I love you more than you can ever know.

1 comment:

Deann Black said...

You took some great shots of him...what a cutie:)