Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Drummer Boy

Owen has definite rhythm. I don't know who he got it from as neither Jeremy nor I are musical, but this Boy has music in his soul. He is always singing, banging out a tune on the piano, drumming on anything in reach. Lately, he has been spending a lot of quality time pounding out rhythms on our Wii Rock Band drums. He is actually a very good drummer, creating repetitive patterns that he plays super fast over and over again. And scraps of paper like this one can be found throughout our house. It may not look like much to you, but this is a piece of carefully composed sheet music for the drums. The colors coordinate with the colors of our drum set and the blue triangles represent the cymbals, better known as my blue exercise ball that he props up beside the drums. This kid never cease to amaze me! I am beginning to realize I've got to get him some real music lessons. I have been looking into finding a guitar teacher...


Deann Black said...

So CUTE! I had my own trio on the rock band tonight...I should have gotten the video camera out.

Abbey said...

So creative! You have to get him into piano :)