Friday, June 29, 2007

Happy Half Birthday, Noah!

Noah is SIX months old! I can hardly believe it! He is growing up way too fast!
At the doctor this week (We've got the croup!) he weighed 18 pounds, 6 ounces. We don't get the length or percentages until next week at our official 6 month visit.
Big blue eyes. I hope they stay blue!

He is no longer content to recline. He is constantly trying to pull to a sit.

Toes for dessert after cereal

Even croup-y he can manage the sweetest expressions

Blowing raspberries in his cubby. This is sitting up training. He fits just perfectly and enjoys hanging out in there.

Such determination to grab that toy!

1 comment:

cheryl said...

Love the gorgeous eyes! So sorry about the croup!