Friday, January 05, 2007

My Busy Boys

I have been so abundantly blessed with the privilege of living life with my three favorite people: Jeremy, Owen and Noah. What busy boys they are! Here's a little of what they have been up to...

Checking on "Be-be." Owen can often be found standing on his stool next to the bassinet giving Noah some love. (Noah is sun-bathing to get rid of his jaundice, in case you were wondering why the nakedness.)

Dad and Owie are "camping." You might notice O's new tool kit. Wherever The O goes these days, his tool kit is at his side!

Jeremy ushered in his 30th Birthday (along with Joel, of course) while "dominating" at whirlyball. J is right in the middle of this photo in the striped shirt.


Kisses for brother. Owen has bonded so well with Tiny Noah, giving him love (often in the form of high fives) whenever possible.

Celebrating the Longhorn victory at the Alamo Bowl with Gigi

It may be mistaken for a look of sheer terror, but Owen loves the thrill of his new slide!

Two weeks old already! Time flies!

Our first family outing to the park. Cozy Noah slept the whole time!

A really fun and unexpected result of bringing home a new brother has been O's "language explosion." His vocabulary has more than doubled since Noah's arrival. I guess he figures he needs to speak up to be heard these days! It thrills my heart to hear his little voice expressing his thoughts (and more often his wants). His Speech Therapist is going to be so pleased!


Anonymous said...

Hurray for O using more words!! I like all your pictures of your three men. What cuties! O looks so big holding and loving on Noah!

Kimberly said...

Congratulations! I knew you were due but hadn't realized you had Noah until now. It is good to see a positive report that life goes on. . . as I count down my last days to baby #2. (Also, is Kyle shown here a dentist? I can't tell for sure from the pic but think we know him from dental school!)
--Kim Fesler