Saturday, January 13, 2007

Another Week Gone By

The days are passing by so quickly! Jeremy headed back to work this week, so it was just me and my Boys. We survived just fine. I'm going to love being a Mom of two!

Owen and Noah spend some time chatting. O loves to lay next to his brother!

Noah's cord finally fell off, so I could dunk him in the tub for a thorough cleaning. He didn't mind it nearly as much as he did his sponge baths prior to this. (Sorry about the privates showing. I should have strategically placed a washcloth. Oh well.)

The O and I baked a very yummy cake together.

Three weeks old today!

We love quiet, alert time. Noah is usually awake from 7:00-9:00 in the morning for a good, long play time. We are really getting to know his sweet personality.


Anonymous said...

I love the pics of Noah so wide awake. I haven't seen him so alert. He looks like such a big boy.

cheryl said...

Doesn't time just fly by?!? I think it goes even faster the second time. I love the pic of the boys laying next to each other. Mallory absolutely HAS to be beside Sadie if she's laying on the floor. It's very sweet, but poor Sadie may end up w/ some personal space issues later on. ;o)
It looks like y'all are adjusting well. The boys are precious.