Thursday, March 01, 2012


This pretty Baby is still such a great napper!  At 20 months old, he takes a 3 hour morning nap and a 2 hour late afternoon nap.  Yes, he wakes up at the crack of dawn (5:45am), but we are not willing to alter his schedule quite yet.  The Biggies and I get the majority of our harder school subjects done while Tiny saws logs all morning.  He wakes up happy, hungry for lunch and ready for some play time.  By the time he's ready to go back down, the Boys are ready to hit the books to finish up school and then have play time with Mommy.  I am loving our schedule right now!

I snapped this picture at 10:30pm.  I was checking Noah's sugar when I noticed a strange glow coming out from under Jonah's door.  In my tired delirium, I had left Jonesy's light a-blazing when I had put him to bed hours earlier.  Sweet Boy lay right down and went to sleep without complaint.

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